
Monday, September 26, 2011

Planning and Landscaping

Gardens are for people - the people who own them. A beautiful garden does not just spring up overnight! This is especially true in the small gardens of today where space is so limiting. New materials and techniques have broadened our horizons in garden making. You the homeowner must decide whether you should do your own landscaping or hire a landscape architect or designer. These people are trained to observe the potentialities inherent in a property. They generally know from experience what can be done and will look well, and at the same time be functional. Often it pays in the long run to consult a reputable firm and let them study the situation and then present various possibilities to you.
On the other hand, you, in common with many of us, may be inhibited by a budget or just like to do things yourself. If you are in this group, you will enjoy landscaping your own property. Even so, you might consider going to a large local nursery that has landscape planners on its staff and ask them to draw up a rough plan of what they think might be best for you. The costs for such services vary, but are usually quite reasonable. Then, with that plan as a guide, you can start.


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